Eiji Foundation

EIJI KUSUHARA FOUNDATION PROJECT launches in November 2013. It is a foundation to support new and next-generation theatre artists both in Japan and the UK, using the trail and network of a Japanese actor Eiji Kusuhara who was based in England since 1970’s, connected the theatre in England and Japan, and passed away in 2010. This is the very first event organised by the foundation and it invites 2 musicians - Koichi Makigami, who performs in Japan and many other countries including the UK, and Yoshihide Otomo. The performance is directed by Hilary Westlake from England, a founding member of Lumiere & Son Theatre Company which was a pioneer of English fringe theatres and hugely influenced by Shuji Terayama and Tokyo Kid Brothers. This is the very first performance Hilary directs in Japan.


1970年代から英国ベースに日本との演劇シーンを繋いだ俳優故・楠原映二氏の足跡とネットワークを今そして次世代の双方の演劇シーンをサポートするファンデーションです。 その第一回を音楽で英国を含め多くの国と日本でのパフォーマンスを繰り広げるヒカシュー巻上公一氏と大友良英氏が担当。寺山修司や東京キッドブラザースに大いに影響を受けた英国フリンジシアターの簱手ルミエール&サンのヒラリー・ウエストレイクの日本初の演出作品になります。